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Financial Insider Risk Analysts

Any financial institution has to make numerous crucial decisions a day. Who you lend to, who you buy from, and the overall health of your company largely depend on your access to accurate information on your industry. Interpreting that information correctly can be the difference between lending to a customer who will make on time payments and be a valued source of healthy revenue and a customer with a shaky background who will default on a loan 3 months in. Your insider risk analyst uses these same principles to make sure your insider risk program is always operating in peak condition. It’s their job to gather and interpret data from key sources to make recommendations on how to maintain the health of your program and stay ahead of new threats as they develop. ITMG’s highly trained analysts are an essential part of your insider threat team, and their work helps to create a solid foundation for your insider risk management program to stand on.

Using our Proven Investigative Techniques to Protect your Data and Gain New Leads

Insider risk analysts are the team members who sort through the massive amounts of data your insider risk program generates to identify real, potent threats and alert your stakeholder and other team members to that activity in a concise, accurate, and timely way. They are instrumental in both producing investigative leads and using technical analysis methods to sort through existing data. This makes them a cornerstone for your insider risk program. Without an insider risk analyst to flag potential malicious and risky activity, it can be difficult for your team to identify the factors that most need their attention. They are an essential part of any functioning insider risk management program.

To See How ITMG’s Expert Analysts Can Support Your Business, Call Us Today

Our insider risk analysts have decades of real world experience in helping companies protect their sensitive data and mitigate insider risk. To learn more about how these analysts can fit into your insider risk management program, call us today!