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We Know WHAT To Do

Our expertise comes from decades of real world experience creating and managing insider threat and risk management programs. We honed our skills on the front lines at the highest levels of government and industry, and we literally wrote the book on Insider Threat Management.

We Know HOW To Do It

Knowing what to do is only part of the equation, practical knowledge is required. Knowing how to build a program or implement a particular solution or how to craft an insider threat strategy only comes through practical experience. Expertise is not learned, it’s earned. We know what works and what doesn’t work.

We Know WHAT NOT To Do

Knowing what not to do is perhaps the most important expertise trait of all. This again can only be acquired through practical experience and understanding how insider threat programs actually work. There are myriad privacy, legal, policy, and operational impacts that result from implementing an insider threat program. Understanding the potential impacts and ramifications will eliminate any unintended and deleterious consequences. We have the knowledge and experience to assist you with implementing an insider threat program in the most efficient, security conscience, and cost-effective manner possible.