What Should Be Your Top Priorities for Your Insider Risk Management Program in 2021?

Top Priorities for Insider Risk Management Program in 2021
Use your knowledge and experiences from the past year to improve your insider risk management program in 2021.

In the world of cybersecurity and insider risk management, 2020 shaped up to be a year unlike any other. While remote workspaces were certainly on an upward trend at the start of the year, no one could’ve predicted how quickly the coronavirus pandemic would accelerate the implementations of these structures. And we’re still dealing with much of the fallout and challenges nearly a whole year into the pandemic. As we close in on a new year, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the challenges of the past year and use that knowledge to inform your decision-making in 2021. What should be your top priorities for your insider risk management program in the coming year?

Building Out Your Program

For some organizations, the rapid implementation of remote work due to the pandemic was chaotic and left much to be desired from a cybersecurity standpoint. Many were able to claw back and improvise as the reality of work life during a pandemic set in, but if you haven’t yet, now is the time to begin fleshing out your program and making it more comprehensive. If you’re not utilizing insider threat detection tools, best practices for remote access, or more, your insider risk management program needs to do so. Ensure that your team is fully staffed and trained on your organizational protocols. Even if your cybersecurity implementations in the past were haphazard and reactive, now is the time to be proactive and build a foundation that can be used now and in the future.

Learn to Understand Insider Threat Motivations

By doing this, you can potentially stop insider incidents before they even occur. Learn the key indicators that may point to a potential insider threat. Understand how a lack of knowledge and training can create unintentional insider threats and develop strategies for preventing this from occurring. Your organization may be at different levels of risk for potential insider incident scenarios depending on your particular industry as well.

Get Metrics

Learning your KPIs will allow you to demonstrate the value of your insider risk management program to C-suite executives and lead to more buy-in from those at the top for your efforts. It will also allow you to measure your team’s performance and determine areas for improvement. Some important KPIs you can measure include – mean time to detection (MTTD), mean time to resolution (MTTR), and return on investment (RoI).

Learn More Advanced Tips and Strategies to Manage Insider Risk at ITMG’s Advanced Solutions Seminar

ITMG’s upcoming Advanced Solutions Seminar is designed to teach cybersecurity professionals how to achieve organizational security with our proven model to manage insider risk, the RiskTKO model. Reserve your spot today by visiting our training page here!

Contact ITMG to Assess Your Current Capabilities and Develop Strategies and Protocols Designed to Help Your Company Mitigate Your Insider Risk

ITMG is an industry leader in helping organizations throughout the United States strengthen their insider risk management programs and secure sensitive data and intellectual property. Our team of bona fide experts has the real-world experience necessary to plan out and create holistic security solutions tailored to the special needs and risks in your industry. Contact ITMG today to learn more about how we can help! You can also visit our FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn pages for more updates and insights into the world of insider risk management.

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