How Do You Prevent Sensitive Data from Being Exfiltrated?

Protecting Sensitive Data from Exfiltration
Now more than ever before, protecting your organization’s sensitive data should be a key objective of your insider risk management team.

The exfiltration of sensitive data from your organization can be a major headache for your security team, especially in the current work environment. However, it is a problem that should be taken seriously and given major thought towards effective solutions. In many industries, such as healthcare and finance, the improper storage of sensitive data can lead to severe legal and economic consequences. Strategizing against both the intentional and the accidental exfiltration of this sensitive data protects your organization, your customers, and your employees. Here are some best practices to employ in your organization’s security team.

Identifying the Sensitive Data

The first thing to know is, well, what exactly constitutes your sensitive data. Having a thorough understanding of what your sensitive data is will allow you to focus in on it as you develop strategies for protecting it. In many industries, regulatory bodies will determine what should be classified as “sensitive”. You should also keep in mind that different regulatory bodies may have different definitions of “sensitive” – this is important for all global corporations as the United States, the European Union, and other economic bodies throughout the world will have different standards that you need to follow. And even if some data may not be defined by the state as “sensitive”, you may wish to do so anyway for protective reasons.

Watch the Movement of Data

User activity monitoring is going to tell a lot of the story here and help you make some determinations as to when your users’ interactions with sensitive data may not be secure. Data needs to move from one place to another at some point for it to be useful – the key is going to be regulating that movement within your organization and making sure it doesn’t end up where it shouldn’t. Knowing which vectors insider threats tend to use to exfiltrate data is important – look for data movement to cloud storage, email clients, thumb drives, and other methods.

Create Visibility in Your Systems

Ultimately, transparency and visibility in your company systems will allow your security team to track the movement of sensitive data and identify potential situations before they develop into something more serious.

Learn More Advanced Tips and Strategies to Manage Insider Risk at ITMG’s Advanced Solutions Seminar

ITMG’s upcoming Advanced Solutions Seminar is designed to teach cybersecurity professionals how to achieve organizational security with our proven model to manage insider risk, the RiskTKO model. Reserve your spot today by visiting our training page here!

Contact ITMG to Assess Your Current Capabilities and Develop Strategies and Protocols Designed to Help Your Company Mitigate Your Insider Risk

ITMG is an industry leader in helping organizations throughout the United States strengthen their insider risk management programs and secure sensitive data and intellectual property. Our team of bona fide experts has the real-world experience necessary to plan out and create holistic security solutions tailored to the special needs and risks in your industry. Contact ITMG today to learn more about how we can help! You can also visit our FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn pages for more updates and insights into the world of insider risk management.

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