ITMG Insider Threat News – April 1, 2022

Leading Laboratory Interrupts Insider Threat Using Darktrace Artifical Intelligence

Darktrace, a global leader in cyber security AI, today announced that a leading laboratory specializing in in vitro diagnostics successfully stopped an insider threat with the help of Darktrace’s self-learning AI.

The company, which has laboratories, offices and distribution centres in over 100 countries worldwide and more than 3000 employees, specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of innovative in vitro diagnostic tests for disease, conditions and infections. The organization uses Darktrace’s detect, respond and investigate capabilities to defend against in-progress attacks at the early-stages.

Financial Sector Employees Less Likely to Pose Insider Threat, but Concerns Remain

While many surveys and anecdotes have indicated that the vast majority of insider threats come from negligence or naivete in employees protecting their access to work data and networks, that may be changing. As a labor shortage and pandemic-incited job frustration combines with fear of job loss in the wake of recent layoffs, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in February alone, according to labor statistics.

According to a recent study by Beyond Identity, 83% of former employees across all sectors continue to access information from their previous companies, and 56% of those former employees are doing so with “malicious intent.” Even worse, 7 out of 10 employees who were fired persist in using their access with nefarious plans in mind. Roughly 12% of the more than 1,000 people surveyed for the study were from the financial industry.

University Students and Staff Face Increasing Threats, Foreign Interference Inquiry Finds

Universities face escalating threats to students and to national security from hostile forces, a report into foreign interference has warned.

The report, released on Friday, specifically singled out Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes, a $10m deal between Monash University and a Chinese company linked to industrial espionage, and talent recruitment drives that see Australian researchers work with universities overseas.

Prison for New Orleanian who Exploited Patients’ Stolen Data

A woman from New Orleans has been sent to prison for buying patients’ data stolen from a medical clinic and using it to obtain thousands of dollars fraudulently.

According to court documents, Lassai abused their position as an employee at a medical clinic in Metairie, Louisiana, to access patients’ personal information without authority. Lassai then stole patient data, including dates of birth, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers and addresses, and sold it to Green for at least $1000.

Medical Service Leaks 12,000 Sensitive Patient Images

A team at Safety Detectives traced the exposed Amazon S3 bucket back to Japanese firm Doctors Me. It was apparently left open with no authentication controls in place.

Alongside other services, Doctors Me enables users to upload images of medical conditions for diagnosis by clinicians anonymously.

However, the cloud storage misconfiguration left 300,000 files at the mercy of potential malicious actors. The 30GB trove featured over 12,000 unique images, including the faces and private areas of children and infants, according to Safety Detectives.

Okta Confirms 2.5% of Customers Impacted by Lapsus Breach

Okta has admitted that hundreds of customers may have been impacted by a prolific hacking group’s attack via a third-party provider.

The authentication firm’s chief security officer, David Bradbury, said 2.5% of its estimated 15,000+ customers were potentially affected by the breach and that their data “may have been viewed or acted upon.”

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