Daily Insider Threat News – November 8, 2017


Despite increased budgets cyberattacks are getting costlier: Survey

CISO MAG (blog)

Insider threats can arise from any number of scenarios, ranging from simple mistakes to malicious actions,” said Dr. Richard Ford, Chief Scientist at …

Summary (Part 7 of 7: Mitigating Risks of Unsupported Operating Systems)

SEI Insights – Carnegie Mellon University

Summary (Part 7 of 7: Mitigating Risks of Unsupported Operating Systems). Posted on November 8, 2017 by Katie C. Stewart in Insider Threat.

3 Ways to Mitigate Insider Threat Risk Prior to an Employee’s Departure

CTOvision (blog)

We are seeing a disturbing insider threat trend impacting operations and causing reputational harm in the days leading up to an employee’s departure …

Forrester’s top 6 cybersecurity predictions for 2018


Firms too aggressively hunting insider threats will face lawsuits and GDPR fines. It’s become easier for firms to monitor employees and their activities …

2017 US State of Cybercrime Survey Reveals Cyber Attacks Getting More Costly

Marketwired (press release)

Insider threats can arise from any number of scenarios, ranging from simple mistakes to malicious actions,” said Dr. Richard Ford, Chief Scientist at …

Is trading resilience for business growth a smart strategy?

Help Net Security

But sync and share products cannot address lost or stolen laptops, ransomware, inside or insider threats, device migration projects, and many more …

24% of UK employees maliciously misuse company emails: Research

CISO MAG (blog)

… have maliciously and frequently leaked confidential information by misusing their workplace emails, an insider threat research has revealed. One in …

Protecting data as well as employees by understanding human behaviour

OpenGov Asia

We also focus very much on products that provide insider threat protection, basically helping understand human behaviour and intent and helping …

Twitter employee deleting POTUS account is a lesson for all companies

CSO Online

… the silencing of the POTUS Twitter account, those looking at the event through the prism of information security and insider threats weren’t smiling.

Insider threat report finds half of workers don’t check who they send data to

Real Business

Staff are a precious asset, but they can also cause the biggest problems, which is the centre of the insider threatdebate. Consider, however, that …

One in four UK workers have maliciously leaked business data


This data is typically shared with competitors, or new and previous employers, according to research on the insider threat and how email misused, …

One in four UK workers maliciously leaks business data via email – BetaNews

Effective IT security starts with effective training

The C Suite

… for training and certification that can tighten corporate IT security, making them less vulnerable to both external attacks and insider threats.


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